About Hootin Goes Outside

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A Barn Owl Learns Flexibility When the Unexpected Happens

“How long will you be gone?”


Adult barn owls raise their young together, taking turns with the feeding task. But Papa Hoot is missing! Hootin feels she must handle raising her two young owlets alone. But is she really alone?

Or can she be flexible? The farm dog, Ollie, and the barn cat, Feebs, bring this to her attention and volunteer to watch over them for her while she's gone. While in the woods, a storm comes up, and she has to find shelter. She finds it - and more - when she meets a red fox named Kit.

A surprise ending will make everyone smile.

Five discussion questions about the story and five more about application to real life follow the story, as well as a glossary.

Read Chapter One Below: (Colored words are internal thoughts.)