A former classroom teacher and homeschool mom, I’ve always had a heart for educating youth.

I set my mission and formed my own publishing company, Chickadee Words, LLC where I strive to impact children and teens through wonderful stories full of timeless character struggles.

I’d love to visit your school!

~ Kathy J. Perry




Chickadee Glass, LLC (custom stained glass) formally retired after 35 part-time years and a new ambition — writing — became Chickadee Words, LLC in 2016.

Of the many jobs I’ve held in the past, teaching was one of the most enjoyable for me. Investing in kids is so important. To this end, I continue to encourage good character with clean, moral stories kids and teens love to read. Do you have favorite books that have shaped your worldview? Writing is hard work, but there’s nothing like a good story to run off with your imagination. When things are flowing, it’s like a vacation! Sometimes the best ideas come in the middle of the night.

When not writing, you’ll find me painting with watercolor, visiting schools, writing a blog, interviewing other writers, designing websites, working as an administrative assistant part-time, and occasionally, renovating houses. Is this retirement? Apparently so! I’m loving every minute of it with my husband of 42 years.


Published on Wed, 05/16/2018 - 08:34am

I was so excited to be interviewed for a blog by Mid-Continent Library’s Story Center’s Program Manager, Melissa Stan! Our words follow:

Many writers come to The Story Center for help telling their stories through in-person training like the Storytelling Certification courses as well as networking activities such as the Woodneath Writers group. The Story Center offers a wide-ranging book collection, online resources, as well as classes and events to support local writers in pursuing their passion.

One local author who found some inspiration through The Story Center is Kathy Perry, author of the Bandana Acres picture books. The Story Center recently had the opportunity to sit down with Kathy and learn about her process.

Story Center (SC): We're here with local kids' book author Kathy Perry. Thank you for joining us, Kathy. Can you tell us about the books you have coming out?

Kathy Perry (KP): My Bandana Acres series is a leveled-reader series about animals, adventures, and friendship. Each book revolves around things that kids deal with and how to overcome those obstacles. For instance, in Feebs to the Rescue, Feebs the Kitten finds herself lost in the dark, but her new friend, Ollie the dog, needs help. Can she find the courage to lead a night rescue? Other books explore topics such as thinking ahead about consequences for actions, dealing with anger, and learning to trust. Each book guides the reader through conflict and resolution in an encouraging and uplifting way.

SC: How did you first get into writing?

KP: I went to a craft fair and there was a girl selling cute watercolor artwork for preschoolers. As I was looking at it, I thought, “This would be great in a kids book!”— which turned into “I could write kids books!”  What finally pushed me into trying my hand at getting my work out there was when my father passed away. He was always telling stories. I took a look at my life at that point and realized that I was tired of the cycle of working and not making a difference. His passing gave me the much-needed push to do something that I enjoyed and where I felt I had purpose.

SC: Tell us about how The Story Center played a role in your writing.

KP: I learned about The Story Center for the first time through the Library's catalog. I heard about the Woodneath Writers group and started attending as a way to get feedback and inspiration. I’m glad to be part of a core group of supportive, intelligent writers that attend every month, but I’m also thrilled that there are new faces each month. The Story Center has also provided great networking opportunities. I attended a writers weekend put on by The Story Center and met the person who is now my publicist! The Story Center is a great way to learn about writing and to connect with others that are on the same path.

SC: What advice do you have for other writers?

KP: I think the most important thing is to write what you love. Do your research about publishing options, but don’t try to do everything by yourself. Find a team of people that can help you make your books successful.

SC: Congratulations on your book launch, and thank you for joining us today. We wish you success in your writing!

Learn more about Kathy's Bandana Acres at




I was excited to be interviewed for a blog by Mid-Continent Library’s Story Center’s Program Manager, Melissa Stan. Click HERE to read.

Rascal’s Trip won an Honorable Mention for Best Cover Design, 2018, from KidsShelf Books.

Nibbler & Captain Make Peace won Book of the Year, 2018, FINALIST award from Independent Author Network.

Nibbler & Captain Make Peace won the 2018 Bronze Medal Award from The Wishing Shelf Awards

Emeline - A Journey received the honor of FINALIST from The Wishing Shelf Awards and Book Excellence Awards


  1. Will you tell us about your children’s book series?

  2. Why did you become to be an author, illustrator, publisher?

  3. How did your various writer’s groups help you with your process?

  4. Tell us a little about your team.

  5. Do you have any suggestions for other writers?